Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

Joint PhD: CRDTs for Large-Scale Storage Systems, with Scality SA

We are starting a research project (CIFRE: industrial PhD) with the French start-up company Scality , on CRDTs for large scale storage systems.

Storage architectures for large enterprises are evolving towards a hybrid cloud model, mixing private storage (pure SSD solutions, virtualization-on-premise) with cloud-based service provider infrastructures. Users will be able to both share data through the common cloud space, and to retain replicas in local storage. In this context we need to design data structures suitable for storage, access, update and consistency of massive amounts of data at the object, block or file system level.

Current designs consider only data structures (e.g., trees or B+-Trees) that are strongly consistent and partition-tolerant (CP). However, this means that they are not available when there is a network problem, and that replicating a CP index across sites is painful. The traditional approaches include locking, journaling and replaying of logs, snapshots and Merkle trees. All of these are difficult to scale using generic approaches, although it is possible to scale them in some specific instances. For instance, synchronization in a single direction (the Active/Passive model) is relatively simple but very limited. A multi-master (Active/Active) model, where updates are allowed at multiple replicas and synchronization occurs in both directions, is difficult to achieve with the above techniques.

Our previous work has shown that many storage indexing operations commute; this enables a the highly-scalable CRDT approach. For those that do not, Red-Blue-Purple approach (Section  6.3.6 ) appears promising.

The objective of the joint research will be to design new algorithms for object, block and file storage systems. Note that these thee kinds of systems, although related, support different kinds of operations, and have different consistency requirements.